
Плагин для прыжковых серверов.

1.Распакуйте архив.
2.зайдите в ваш plugins.ini каторый в cstrike\addons\amxmodx\confings
И напишите там:
allchat.amxx climb.amxx

- Сохранить точку.

- Вернуться на сохраненную точку.

- Вернуться на передущую точку.

- Boost (2 or more people must do this to work.)

- сбрасывает таймер и вернутся на респ.

climb <1|0> : Enables|Disables all climb.amx functionality.
climb_boost <1|0> : Enables|Disables boosting.
climb_cpprice <0|...> : Set to dollar amount for cost of checkpoints.
climb_startmoney <1337|0-16000> : Money amount set when players start timer.

climb_unsolid_type <0|1> : Changes unsolid rendering style, 0=classic, other=new, more see through, rendering.
climb_sounds <1|0> : Enables|Disables sounds build in to the Climb plugin.

climb_webmod <0|1> : Disables|Enables web mod interoperability.
climb_stats_path : Path to save generated stats pages. (If using WebMod, enter path to webmods www folder.)
climb_stats_url : URL to send clients to for stats pages. Only use if you have a web server running on the same machine as the game server. IF WEBMOD=1 THIS IS IGNORED.
climb_stats_hsurl : "%s" will be replaced with map name. Set to send client to URL if you have a page that automatically generates high scores via direct DB access. IF WEBMOD=1 THIS IS IGNORED.
climb_stats_msg : Message to display on scoreboard. Use HTML

ip_internal : Set to internal network IP or hostname. (If server behind NAT)
ip_external : Set to external network IP or hostname.

climb_msg_r <0|0-255> : Display message red value.
climb_msg_g <150|0-255> : Display message green value.
climb_msg_b <250|0-255> : Display message blue value.
climb_msg_x <0.05|0-1> : Display message x position.
climb_msg_y <0.5|0-1> : Display message y position.

*The following cvars are only read at plugin load, changes will not take effect until the map is changed.
climb_save <1|0> : Enables|Disables saving of stats to a database.

climb_db_type : Database type.
climb_db_host <> : Database host name/ip.
climb_db_user : Database user name.
climb_db_pass : Database password.
climb_db_name : Database name.
climb_db_prefix : Table name prefix.

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